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The Magic of Santa from the comfort of your own home.

You get all the magic of a Grotto visit without having to leave your home. The children get to speak to Santa directly from his North Pole office.

You can avoid any unnecessary waiting in cold Grottos or overcrowded areas. You just need a home computer or tablet.

By sending through information about your child, Santa can know all the important stuff to keep the child believing in the magic of Christmas.


Why Santa On Zoom?

The saying goes that "necessity is the mother of all invention" and Santa On Zoom was created through exactly that.

When the 2020 COVID pandemic hit the UK, the vast majority of the Christmas Grottos were closed, leaving few options for parents and guardians searching for the 'Christmas Spirit'. It was also the year that everyone worked out how to use Zoom video calls!

Jim has had the luxury of working as a Grotto Santa since 2005 and therefore gained quite a bit of knowledge and experience in how to don the Big Red Suit.

With the help of Ash Durant (at Intercounty Computers), a booking website was set up and the rest, as the other saying goes, is history!

Website created and maintained by

Mr Creator Design (2021)

Thompson Promotions is fully insured and has full DBS certification. Certificates can be produced upon request.


2021 update: Thompson Promotions is fully vaccinated against COVID 19.

Thompson Promotions

Harlow, Essex


07875 893030

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